More information about Database Access Version 1.1 for ArcView GIS Version 3.1 Contents This document contains important information on the following topics: 1.0 Database Access Support Matrix 2.0 Database Access Documentation 3.0 Setting Up Your Machine 4.0 Sample extensions and Scripts 5.0 Issues and Limitations 6.0 Known Limits specific to SDE for Coverages ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 Database Access Support Matrix Database Access Version 1.1 lets you use SDE data in ArcView GIS Version 3.1. Because ArcView GIS, Database Access, and SDE are developed on different schedules, it is important to maintain a record of which ArcView GIS version Database Access works with, and which SDE servers are supported. The matrix below illustrates which versions of these products you can use together. ============================================================================ | |SDE | | | | Database| |Client | | | | Access |ArcView|Library| SDE 3.0 |SDE 3.0.1 | SDE 3.0.2 | Version |Version|Version| Servers |Servers | Servers | ===========================================================================| | | | | | | 1.1 |3.1 |3.0.2 |Oracle |Oracle |Oracle | | | | |SQL Server |DB2 Extender | | | | |Sybase |DB2 Universal Server | | | | | | Pre-Release | | | | | |DB2 Common Server | | | | | | Pre-Release | | | | | |SDE for Coverages | | | | | |SQL Server Beta 1* | | | | | |Informix dynamic | | | | | | Server Beta 1* | ===========================================================================| *Limited testing agains these SDE servers 2.0 Database Access Documentation The Database Access documentation is a file in Portable Document Format (PDF). After the Database Access Extension has been installed, the documentation file, dbaccess.pdf, will be located in the av_gis30\avdocs installation directory. To view and print PDF files, you will need to install the Acrobat Reader from Adobe. For your convenience, we have provided an installation of the Adobe Acrobat Reader located in the :\acrobat3 directory. You can also obtain the Acrobat Reader from Adobe's home page at 3.0 Setting Up Your Machine If you are new to using SDE data in ArcView GIS, you can find out how to set up your computer by referring to the on-line help for the Database Access extension. Double-click the Extensions book in the contents page, then the Database Access book. The Using the Spatial Database Engine (SDE) book contains topics for setting up your computer. 4.0 Sample extensions and Scripts This extension includes several sample extensions and scripts. For more information on these samples, double-click the Extensions book in the Help Contents page, then the Database Access book and refer to the Sample scripts and extensions book. Additional scripts, referenced by the Avenue request help, can be located by typing "database access" in the on-line help's Index. Select Avenue examples under the Database Access extension heading, then click Display. 5.0 Issues and Limitations For a list of known limits for this extension, double-click the Extensions book in the contents page, then the Database Access book. The "Known issues" help topic is located under the Troubleshooting book. The following known issues are not listed in the "Known issues" help topic: 1) ArcView GIS Version 3.0a projects that used the Database Themes extension will have problems when opened in ArcView GIS Version 3.1. The extension has been replaced by Database Access version 1.1 in core ArcView GIS. The following steps will resolve this conflict: 1. Open the project in ArcView GIS Version 3.1. 2. Use the Customize dialog to delete the "Add Database Theme" and "Export to Table" controls from the View GUI. 3. Delete all database themes from the project. (Scripts using Database Themes objects won't work.) 4. Load the Database Access extension, then recreate the database themes. 5. Rewrite any scripts. Note: Database Access requires that you use an SDE version 3.x server. 2) The DBTheme.BlinkRecord request does not work when the database theme has a unique value or graduated color legend. Because of this problem, features in the classified theme won't flash in some circumstances if you double-click on a feature in the left panel of the Identify window. 3) If you have a database theme that has a join and in theme properties, you replace the join statement with another where clause, you will lose the connection and get an error when you attempt to draw the theme. If this happens, you can delete the old database theme, create a new connection and then re-create the database theme. 4) If you have a database table with a blob field, each blob file is created twice when the project is opened. 6.0 Known Issues specific to SDE for Coverages 1) When opening a Map Librarian DBTheme’s table in ArcView GIS, the table may appear with no records or attributes. To rectify this problem, remove all open DBTables and then open the Map Librarian DBTheme's table. 2) If you apply more than 2 spatial filters to a querydef in ArcView GIS, the first 2 filters will be applied and the rest will be ignored. 3) In ArcView GIS, you cannot select features from multiple SDE for Coverages Database Themes at once. Each theme’s features must be selected separately. 4) In ArcView GIS, large number values may appear incorrectly in Database Tables. For example, the number 1565523000 may appear as 11000000. This is only a Database Table display problem so if you use the Identify tool or a recordset to get the number, the proper value will be returned. 5) When using the ArcView GIS legend editor on SDE for Coverages layers the UNIQUE, NATURAL BREAKS and QUANTILE classifications will cause ArcView GIS to hang until killed. 6) All features in layers registered from Shapefiles will flash when the feature is clicked in the Identify window in ArcView GIS. 7) If you export a registered Shapefile layer from SDE for Coverages using ArcView GIS, the exported fields may appear blank or contain all zeros. 8) In ArcView GIS, if you make a graduated color classification using a non-integer number field, the next graduated color classification you make using an integer field will fail. Also, if you make a graduated color classification using an integer field and then try to make one using a non-integer number field, the second classification will fail. 9) You cannot apply more than 2 spatial filters to a querydef using SDE for Coverages. If you apply more than 2 spatial filters, only the first 2 are applied. 10) Parentheses are ignored when where clauses are evaluated. This may cause unexpected results if you use parentheses in the query builder to select features or when you define a where clause for a Database Theme. 11) When creating a Database Table from a Shapefile in SDE for Coverages, the Shape field is ignored if it is included in the select statement. The Shape field is also ignored if you use the SetSql request on a querydef and then open a recordset.